Thursday, February 2, 2012

Late Yarn Along

Joining Ginny at Small Things again this week.

(Ravelry notes here)

I'm back to reading this book. I can't say that I get a lot of reading done now that I'm no longer nursing the Imp. There's just so much else to do with three little ones running wild. My current project is an effort to use up dishrag cotton without making any more dishrags (we have so very many). So I'm making this bag. All these double-crochets are making me crazy.

(Ravelry notes here)

After making a Pikachu for the youngest, my oldest requested Espeon. Here it is, already much played with despite the fact that I still haven't added eyes or other details. I think I'm over my need to make toys for another month or two. Not that my kids will allow me to actually stop. But I'm over it all the same.


  1. Better late than never!! Although my kids are adults now, they would love all of this Pokemon stuff you are creating :)

    1. It's insane how many Pokemon patterns are out there! Of course, my Imp wants the ones that don't exist in pattern form. He's always been more difficult than the others. (:

  2. Nice animal you´ve made. And your blog is so nice. Thank you

  3. I think the animals you make for your children are just great! My grandmother use to make toys for us and now my granddaughter plays with them.

    1. I'm not sure these toys will survive all three of my crazy boys. It'd be nice to think that they could be loved by another generation, though. (:
