Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yarn Along!

I decided to participate in the Yarn Along I've read about on several blogs. You can be a part, too. Stop by Small Things to read about it.

Still reading Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys. It has opened my eyes to some things that are just intrinsically "boy" and I'm hoping it will help me to better deal with having a house full of them. On the other hand, I'm getting tired of all the assumptions that all boys attend school. And that religious communities and events are the ultimate solution. Ugh. For the most part I can ignore it, look past it. But at times it's a little irritating.

I'm knitting.. longies! Aren't you surprised? These are just stockinette (though they'll have seed stitch cuffs). I'm using the Bare Wool of the Andes that I dyed. It's not as foxy red/brown as I wanted. I'm thinking that I may try to redye the whole thing when I'm done knitting it. Unless there's some really good reason not to?

The other night the Imp (two years old) and I dyed yarn. Why did I never think to do this with him before? Sure it was messy. But the fun? Oh, the fun!

This is the Imp's yarn soaking (yes, in the oven - it was off, I promise) overnight. We used water/vinegar and food coloring. Isn't his lovely? It's way nicer looking than mine.

Unfortunately, his ended up being really muted. The yellow seemed to disappear completely, too. Next time we'll clear off the table and spread it all out on plastic wrap to paint it properly. I'm really not sure how my greens ended up with streaks of pink. Or how the Imp's yarn ended up really pink on the inside. Ah well, we must have been channeling our femininity.


  1. Your dyed yarn just looks yummy! I love it!

  2. I miss dyeing yarn! When I worked as a weaver I used to adore painting on the loom, such fun!

  3. I love how your yarn turned out! The colors are really great! I just recently started spinning yarn and now I'm trying to figure out how best to dye it. Never thought of using food colors...

  4. Oh lovely! I have a bunch of natural Fisherman's Wool and a mess of packs of Kool-Aide (dying is all the stuff is good for), and I think you have given me the impetus to do something with them. Your yarn looks wonderful!

  5. Love the colors very pretty. I went on amazon to check out this book it got good reviews. I'm intrigued. I hope things are going better than last week with your son.

  6. hey, that LOOKS AWESOME!
    thanks for the inspiration!

  7. the yarn turned out beautifully! what are you going to use it for? i remember doing that with koolaid and my kids a few years back and the entire house smelled of grape and cherry ;-)

  8. Try Dr. Leonard Sax "Why Gender Matters" and "Boys Adrift". I've read many 'how to raise boys' books (I have 3) and these were the best hands down. Love your yarn and what a great project for boys! They can dye their own yard for the sweaters I'm making them for Christmas (yes it will take me that long).
