I've made a last minute contribution to this month's Phat Fiber box. The theme is villains and I will admit that I took a bit of poetic license.
My villain/antagonists/bad guys are: White Witch, mirelurks, Trixie, and the vague idea of djinn) as bad guys in fantasy novels (but I preferred the word ifrit).
All packaged and ready to mail, which I did this morning. Whee!
I love the idea! You dyed that wool? I'm currently looking into raising sheep (crazy dream, but why not?) and know NOTHING, absolutely nothing about dyeing. I've been spinning lots and lots of 2 ply on my drop spindle and wondering where to get dye. I'd love to make something out of handspun, hand dyed wool!
I love the idea! You dyed that wool? I'm currently looking into raising sheep (crazy dream, but why not?) and know NOTHING, absolutely nothing about dyeing. I've been spinning lots and lots of 2 ply on my drop spindle and wondering where to get dye. I'd love to make something out of handspun, hand dyed wool!