Monday, August 13, 2012


What an epic weekend. Okay. Maybe not epic so much.

There was fiber.


Gift making. Yes, five days before the Elf's birthday and I'm just now finishing.

And then there was some doll making.

I've been obsessed with Waldorf dolls for a while. I've never seen nor touched a real one - just the ones that I've made. In the past week or two I've had this.. insane need to own a real Waldorf doll. It's not to be, as I just can't afford one. So I thought I'd try to make another one. One that would make me happy. I'm still falling short. My dolls lose their chins and noses. I've read a bunch of tutorials, but I just can't seem to get it right.

At any rate. I've been scouring Etsy for Waldorf dolls. Torturing myself with all the lovelies. It's been bothering me. I know I've wanted one for a while. But why this sudden urge? Looking back now I think it might have been an unconscious thing. See.. it would appear that I am very likely pregnant. Unintentionally. Which is a new and scary thing to me. I'm not good at not being in control. At any rate, we're mentally adjusting to this and I will admit that I'm even kind of excited (if I ignore the painful giving birth part of the equation). We haven't told any family yet - not even the boys. We're giving it another couple of weeks just to be sure. But there it is. My crazy weekend.


  1. you had a fiber "stuffed" weekend! (pun intended). I am hoping to get more crafting done now that one kid is back to campus. The other one leaves in two weeks!

  2. Omg! Pregnant! How thrilling Melissa, I won't say a thing, just wait quietly to see. What a blessing!
    All your crafting and wooly goodness looks great, and is that your doll you've made? It is looking very Waldorf to me. :)

  3. Oh sweet Melissa, I wish I was there to hug you tight! Congratulations. I do know the feelings you are having [I have two surprises of my own]. I hope you are feeling well and getting lots of rest.
    I think your doll is adorable. I have never held a Waldorf doll either, but yours looks just perfect to me.

  4. Oh, that dolly is very cute! As for holding a "real" Waldorf doll -- I think the idea of a "real" Waldorf doll is up to interpretation. Cotton skin, wool stuffing, neutral facial expression, natural fiber hair... Those would be the qualifications, wouldn't they?

    Hmmm... dolly chins... I think it would have to do with the vertical string wrapped around the under-layer of the head -- making sure there's lot's of firm stuffing in the front part of the lower face?

    I guess no one in your family reads your blog (otherwise the news would be out, wouldn't it!)

    sending hugs!

  5. congratulations!!!

    as for your desire for a waldorf doll i just thought i'd share that my very first (maybe 8 years ago) came off e-bay. i really wanted one too as i was considering making them and i found quite a few good deals. i ended up getting a dark skinned doll made by a co-op of women in south africa. i won the auction at only $8!!

    and as i'm sure you know, there are many, many waldorf doll giveaways all over blogland. i am blown away by the generosity of doll makers as i know how much time, love, and energy goes into each one!

    your dolls are adorable though, dear. i love coming to your space to see what you have made now! :)

  6. Congrats!
    I bought a doll from It was the doll without face or hair. I did those myself. It saved a lot of time and a little wall I had built up around being able to make one myself. She had fast service and good work.
    here are some posts I did about it. Go for it. It's not that scary!
    Hope you settle out of the motion sickness soon.
