Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yarn Along and Solstice Gifts.

I decided to participate in the Yarn Along I've read about on several blogs. You can be a part, too. Stop by Small Things to read about it.

I'm knitting wool arm warmer/fingerless gloves for the Beast. Basically, arm warmers with a thumb hole. The idea was that he loves to chew on his sleeves. Well, once the sleeves are soaked I have to change his shirt because it's much too chilly for him to be soggy. Only, I keep running out of long sleeve shirts. So, I figure I can knit several of these and just swap them out as they get wet. Not sure how well it'll work out, but that's okay.

I'm on the fifth book of the Pink Carnation series. It's called The Temptation of the Night Jasmine. I've been looking forward to this one. The most recent book in the series was sort of a Christmas special and it takes place in this book. There were bits that I didn't remember clearly, so it'll be fun to see where the "special" fits in.

Also, we celebrated Solstice yesterday. This year we bought family toys instead of toys for each specific child. I'm *so* glad we decided to do it that way. I'd posted months ago with questions about what I should buy. Well, here's the bulk of what I ended up with.

The barn is by Finns and Flowers, the sheep (with removeable "jacket") is by Green Mountain Wee Woolies, and the rest of the animals (including a goat that was hiding behind the playroom door, apparently) are by Dad's Wooden Toys.

The boys were so excited when they "opened" (read: took the silks off) them. I sanded the edges of the animals with a dremel because they were a little sharp - nothing bad, I just know my clumsy kids.


  1. beautiful knitting, hope they save you some time in clothing changes:)
    What an interesting idea to get your sons all things to share, sounds like great encoragement for them to play together

  2. Karen: The thing is, with the toys, the Elf (oldest) is forever playing with the Imp's (middle) toys. The Imp is forever stealing the Beast's (youngest) toys. So rather than try to guess who is going to play with which toys, I thought I'd go for something they could all enjoy. At this point, just about everything in the house is communal.

    And the Imp just pulled my needles out of my knitting. Ugh.

  3. What a great idea to make arm warmers :) I hope it works.

  4. Is that a manger with a unicorn? Please say yes.

    I'd like to make arm warmers too -- do post how they work out on the Beast.

  5. blessings of the season to you and your beautiful family xx

  6. I love the idea of buying gifts for the family! Thank you for that!
