Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yarn Along!

Joining Ginny at Small Things again this week. With how crazy things have felt this Autumn, the Yarn Along seems to really be the only time I update this blog.

Working on this tank top/camisole. I don't care for the project much. Back and forth stockinette is so very dull to me (don't ask why in-the-round stockinette isn't, I can't explain it). I'm a big fan of Isabel Allende, so it's no surprise that I picked this book up once upon a time. It is a little weird that it's taken me this long to get to it, though. I'm only reading when nursing the Imp to bed at night, so it's slow going. But I'm okay with that.

Here are some things I've been working on lately.

Crochet dish rags. I have a mess of kitchen cotton and thought I should use it up. This photo isn't of all the cloths I've made - some have already been used. I really don't need this many. I was thinking about listing them for $1 each on my Etsy shop just to find homes for them - no one local that I know of would want them as gifts. Any one out there need some dish rags? They're nothing special but they get the job done.

Wee gnome hats. Yes, my gnomes are bare headed at present. I've been sewing and crocheting hats for them. When I get tired of sewing, I switch to crochet. Overall, I'm feeling a bit burned out on the peg doll hats - it's my least favorite part of the process. Which is why I'm doing it all at once. If I have a huge pile of hats to choose from, I can focus on the more enjoyable parts!

A long awaited picture (poorly taken) of my sweater! I haven't had occasion to wear it yet. It's awfully warm here again. I had to turn the air conditioning on yesterday. Can you believe that? In November? Insanity!

In non-wool news, this soup has to be about the best I've ever had. Yum!


  1. I know, this weather is crazy! I refused to turn the A/C on, but it was hard not to.
    I hope you get to wear your sweater soon, it's lovely!

  2. I love your sweater-beautiful shade of golden yellow. Maybe it is the purl row that bores you to tears? I think I am with you on that one.

  3. wow you've been busy, lots of projects
    happy days xx

  4. Such a pretty zig-zaggy hem on the camisole. I've never tried knitting an ornamental scalloped or zig-zaggy hem on anything... must give it a try some time!

    Meanwhile, today was bitter cold. For the walk to school next week I will be pulling on those mitts you knit for me!

