I'm working on some longies for the boys. Surprise, surprise - right?
B, the Elf, and I are all reading Howl's Moving Castle. I've read it before but thought it would be fun to read it with them. It's like a mini book club. Except that B has very little time to read with work and all.
Yesterday I finished reading Austenland by Shannon Hale. It was good, not great, but worth reading. I seem to still be thinking about it, so that's something. The sequel isn't available from my library yet, but I will be reading it once they let me know it's in.
Mostly I've been working on some pegs for the (very sad and empty) shop. Hopefully I'll get them up tonight, though baking oatmeal peanut butter cookies (with chocolate chips) may get in the way.
I finished spinning my blue roving. I seriously don't think I'm doing it "right" - and I think it's more user error and not my ghetto spindle. The blue was definitely easier to spin than the brownish roving. I think the brown was meant for felting, not spinning. The problem is (ha! *one of the problems is* would be more correct) that I really don't know anything about this stuff. I'm a much more hands-on learner. One local yarn shop is offering a drop spindle class - but it $25 (for an hour, I think) plus you have to buy *their* kit (which they decline to list the price of in their newsletter).
Blergh. Any of you spinners out there want to come and visit? I'll bake cookies! (: